How to be saved?

Why do you need to be saved?

We all have done wrong in our lives, this wrong doing is known as sin. Whenever we don’t do good or break God’s commandments we are sinning. This can be compared to doing something illegal, if you rob a store then you have charges brought against you. Likewise sin is like a charge that stands against us. Without believing in Jesus and repenting we are unable to remove these charges. So that means we would have to pay for our crimes, and when you pay for a crime you are punished. But if you believe in Jesus and repent from your sins, He clears your sins; in other words He pays the fine for our crimes/criminal charges and allows us to walk free.


How to repent?


In the Bible repenting is explained something like this. Confessing our sins (acknowledging we’ve done wrong), asking God to give us a change of heart, believe that He will do so, and turn away from sin and obey His commandments.

Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.